This goflight-size panel suits well into our compact console or any goflight console.
It offers the mechanics for
- gear-lever with locking-mechanism (pull-then-slide)
- flaps (increment | decrement)
- elevator trimwheel
There is even more space to add an additional rudder-trim-knob.
This panel comes with one two-channel trim-switch, a rotary encoder for the trim wheel and on gear-switch and needs five digital inputs on your Leobodnar or Arcaze USB PCB.
The USB-electronics are not included because you can attach this addon to your already available PCB which you purchased eg. for your thrust lever kit.
The included labels (easy-to-apply-decals) are not applied to the component. This enables you, to decide whether to mount the component with the gear lever either on the left or on the right side.
And that’s how it is mounted:
After the reviews @ flusinews and in FS-Magazin, we further improved our component. See attached picture:
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