Start your Sim and load a flight. Then create a custom camera.In default [ctrl]+[alt]+[0] for custom camera 0, [ctrl]+[alt]+[1] for custom camera 1 etc. Close the sim. Then take a look in the aircraft folder created here … There should be a folder with your aircraft and a camera.cfg file within. If not, you didn’t […]
Category: HowTo
Tutorial: Axes calibration and test
sync axis positions in FSUIPC
Tutorial how to calibrate multiple axes to “line up” in sync in FSUIPC The 4 throttle, 4 prop pitch and 4 mixtures pages all feature a button, centre bottom of the display, labelled “Sync Pos”. This is used to help you calibrate multiple axes, for 2–4 engines, so that they are close to lining up, in similar […]